Joe And Brenda Clark Are Best Known For Their Role In The Log Furniture Industry.
They started Frontier Furniture in 1973 when no one else was commercially producing hand peeled log furniture. When they sold in 2002, Frontier Furniture was servicing close to a 100 dealers and had a thriving presence on the web. They also built and managed five drive-thru espresso companies as well as a video production company.
After the sale of their furniture and coffee companies, the Clarks invested heavily in commercial real-estate. They were just finishing up the infrastructure on a large land development in Costa Rica when the financial crash came. Joe describes the experience as like being in the drivers seat of a sports car and for no reason the car just would no longer run and was impossible to repair. Thats a story for Joe to tell you about face to face…..

This is not the first time the Clarks have had to start over. Their furniture manufacturing facility was located in the Montana woods which made it impossible to get insurance so when the facility burned they had to start over. It took years of hard work and tenacity but they got up and running again. Well at least until they were woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of another fire. They had just built and moved into their new house. As a result of the loss they could no longer sustain the payments so they had to move themselves and their three children out of the house and into a small well used mobile home. Wisdom prevailed so before rebuilding again they relocated the business to an insurable location. The Clarks are people with a strong faith in God and have always excepted their adversities as blessings. They are always willing share about the good things that came out of their adversities and are looking forward to where this latest “start over” is going to take them. As Joe quotes, “all things work together for good for those who love the Lord” and “The plan will always be to put our faith in God, pray, and appreciate the blessings we have”.